For the development of the VENTUS project various packages were used. These include both external packages and features, which we converted into separate packages.
External packages used:
- FishNet as network framework
- FishyUnityTransport API implementation of the Unity Transport for FishNet
- Unity glTFast API for importing GLTF-models into Unity
- XR Interaction Toolkit Unity package for developing cross-platform XR applications
Our provided packages are:
- UnityFileExplorer package for browsing the local file explorer during the Unity runtime
- UnityHierarchyView package for visualising the Unity scene hierarchy with a customized UI during the Unity runtime
- UnitySTEPImporter package for importing STEP-models into Unity
- VRSketchingGeometry package for sketching with geometry in virtual reality
- XRPlatformManagement package for managing XR applications and supporting different controller models